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Our ethos

The survival of the environment and the world in which we live is society’s number one concern. It gives us great pleasure to offer beautiful products sourced directly from the environment, the harvesting and use of which will aid our planet’s eco system.

The materials used in the coffins we supply are much more sustainable than hard woods because they replenish much more quickly.

Furthermore they are much more biodegradable than the traditional veneered coffins, and they do not release harmful emissions into the atmosphere when cremated.

The raw materials are grown elsewhere in the world with the seagrass, for example, coming from China where it has been carefully harvested to ensure maximum regeneration and a continuous supply.

We procure The Hyacinth from China where water hyacinth has to be controlled or it potentially clogs up lakes and waterways. Furthermore it grows like a weed and therefore it replenishes extremely easily.

The materials used are sustainably harvested and our willow coffins, for instance, are woven by a weaving cooperative — we have a commitment to being good stewards of both the environment and the workers.

Coffin in Orchard